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We can help you!

Saddle Evaluation & Consultation

To find out if the saddle suits both you and your horse, a saddle evaluation is worth investing in. It also gives you help on the way to looking for a new saddle and knowledge of how you can check that the saddle fits. Saddle evaluation can be done regardless of age, model and shape of horse and saddle. The evaluation follows the international Saddlefit 4 Life system.


We can also help you try out and check the fit of bits, bridles and blankets, as it is not always the saddle that is the problem. 


Saddle adjustment

We make saddle adjustments on site of saddles from Schleese and other brands with Adaptree boom, which can be adjusted in a saddle press. We also carry out reupholstering and adjustment of padding on saddles. 



Here you will find saddles and accessories from Schleese. We are also resellers of Horse Health and take in products from Acavallo and LeMieux. Furthermore, we also have a reseller agreement with Barefoot and place orders on request.


Education & lecture

Are you interested in Saddlefit 4 Life, its principles, how and why the fit of the saddle is so important for the horse, but also why it is important to fit the rider? Perhaps you are an association that wants inspiration? Or are there a few of you in a stable, who want to do something together? 
We also hold courses and training in the subject, where the content and length of the course or lecture are adjusted according to interest. 



We do services in Sweden, Finland and Ã…land!

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